Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Five Albums I Just Cannot Live Without

A few weeks ago I started taking my little cousin to the gym with me, on our commute to the gym we generally listen to music in my car. Last night on our way home from Stephen (my cousin) asked me who my favorite band of all time was, I thought for a bit and really couldn't give him a definite answer. Although his question did provoke some though. What albums do I listen to over and over again despite having listened to them countless times before? So i figured I would write about five (5) albums I just can’t live without. Now I typically hate lists, because lists are purely bases on opinions and everyone has an opinion, so anyone can make a list. The only saving grace about list making is lists cause discussion, discussion in turn causes controversy, and where would the world be without a little controversy so without further ado:


Brand New - Deja Entendu - 2003

Track listing:

  1. Tautou
  2. Sic Transit Gloria... Glory Fades
  3. I Will Play My Game Beneath The Spin Light
  4. Okay I Believe You, But My Tommy Gun Don't
  5. The Quiet Things That No One Ever Knows
  6. The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot
  7. Jaws Theme Swimming
  8. Me Vs. Maradona Vs. Elvis
  9. Guernica
  10. Good To Know That If I Ever Need Attention All I Have To Do Is Die
  11. Play Crack The Sky

Saves the Day - Through Being Cool - 1999

Track listing:

  1. All-Star Me
  2. You Vandal
  3. Shoulder to the Wheel
  4. Rocks Tonic Juice Magic
  5. Holly Hox, Forget Me Nots
  6. Third Engine
  7. My Sweet Fracture
  8. The Vast Spoils of America (From the Badlands through the Ocean)
  9. The Last Lie I Told
  10. Do You Know What I Love the Most?
  11. Through Being Cool
  12. Banned from the Back Porch

Thursday - Full Collapse - 2002

Track listing:

  1. A0001
  2. Understanding in a Car Crash
  3. Concealer
  4. Autobiography of a Nation
  5. A Hole in the World
  6. Cross Out the Eyes
  7. Paris in Flames
  8. I Am the Killer
  9. Standing on the Edge of Summer
  10. Wind-Up
  11. How Long is the Night?
  12. i1100

At the Drive-In - Vaya - 1999

Track listing:

  1. Rascuache
  2. Proxima Centauri
  3. Ursa Minor
  4. Heliotrope
  5. Metronome Arthritis
  6. 300 MHz
  7. 198d

The Get Up Kids - Something To Write Home About - 1999

Track listing:

  1. Holiday
  2. Action and Action
  3. Valentine
  4. Red Letter Day
  5. Out of Reach
  6. Ten Minutes
  7. The Company Dime
  8. My Apology
  9. I'm a Loner Dottie, a Rebel...
  10. Long Goodnight
  11. Close to Home
  12. I'll Catch You

P. S Although I love each of these albums in their entirety I bolded my favorite songs from each album.



BuglePlanet said...
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BuglePlanet said...

Nice list,

Cant say I agree completely but I have 3:5 albums. If only we'd agree on movies more often.


PS: Hollywoodland = badassss