Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Never Ending Summer BBQ

Memorial day kicks off the start of summer and what is summer without a few barbecues?
This weekend I attend my fair share of bbqs and I also threw one of my own. So here is a recap of the holiday weekend, complete with an award section so read the whole post.

Friday Night: Rob's Birthday Celebration.

This was not a barbecue, but more of a gathering which started around 9 on Friday evening. The guest list was jam packed with Lawrence High alumni who I have not seen is a long time. Rob had a half keg and some hard alcohol, some chips and dip, and pizza. The pizza was pretty good especially after a few beers. Rob's TV looks great with his new wall mount, which allowed everyone at the party go get a great view of Planet Earth in High Definition on the Discovery Channel.

Saturday: Mohamed's Farewell BBQ at Dave Bernard's

Islam wanted to say good-bye to his brother in style with a BBQ blow out. The event was held at Dave Bernard's house in Hamilton. Islam went all out with the spread which included: hot dogs, hamburgers, a wide selection of beer and other assorted alcoholic beverages, chips, pretzels, and a vegetable platter. The attendees were a hungry bunch eating over 90 hot dogs and hamburgers. It was a gorgeous afternoon and it was ashame that Dave's pool was not ready yet. The barbecue ended in the late afternoon with a bunch of people smoking cigars and reliving old stories from college. Over all it was a good time for everyone who attended.

Sunday: Dave Root's BBQ

Rooter decided to keep the weekend going strong by having another BBQ. Dave had homemade hamburgers, tequila lime chicken, bbq chicken, hot dogs, corn, pasta salad, chips, and strawberries with honey and mint. Dave also had a quoits pit set up and a new game similar to quoits called ladder ball. Stuart and Sabrina made a brief appearance taking some time out of their hectic schedule and stopped by to say "Hello". Jenn and I destroyed Islam and Kristen in ladder ball, and then let the crown slip through our hands in quoits pit (Final score: Bob/Jenn 1 - Islam/Kristen 1). After the BBQ, Jenn and I went to Atlantic City where I played some poker (2-5 NL). It was a successful session even though I was card dead for 3 hours. From Atlantic City we drove to Point Pleasant to prepare for our BBQ.

Monday: The Chojnacki/Maruca Annual Memorial Day Barbecue Blast

The annual Barbecue almost didn't happen this year because my mother was in France this past week, returning home Sunday, but to keep tradition alive i made all the arrangements without her. The guest list was the usual, the family, Islam and Kristen, and surprise guest John Bennett. The fare offered was: bbq chicken, caesar dressing marinaded chicken, hamburgers, sausage, hot dogs, shrimp, chips and dip, corn, watermelon, cookie trays from Mastoris (thanks Islam), home made cookies, and strawberries with mint and honey(idea stolen from Dave Root). We also went out and got a ladder ball set (idea also stolen from Dave Root) because we loved the game so much and Jenn and I were good at it. Everyone had a good time and after we stuffed our faces we made our annual "take the kids to the boardwalk" trip. Stephen went 3 for 3 in one of the cranes scoring (2) Friday the 13th dolls and (1) Nightmare on Elm Street doll. I won Jenn a Minnie Mouse plush and Joey won his girlfriend Megan some stuffed toys as well. After the board walk we went back to the house and had some ice cream before returning to Hamilton.

Over all I had an amazing weekend and got to see my family, friends and some friends I have not scene in a long time. Thanks to Islam, Dave Bernard, Dave Root, and Rob for having parties.


Best Burger: Dave Root

Best Healthy Dessert: Dave Root - Strawberries with honey and mint.

Best Unhealthy Dessert: Aunt Marry Joan- Seven layer bars.

Biggest Eater: Islam ElNaggar - Weekend Totals (Hamburgers: 10, Hot dogs: 20, Chicken: A shit load)

Best New Game: Ladder Ball



Anonymous said...

hi very interesting post i can understand what you mean great post

A journey of a young UK based Muslim

BuglePlanet said...

Nice blog buddy, sounds like a fun weekend... better than mine. Where am I in it, what happened to my grad part? Or you seeing me in my uniform at the end of my shift? Am I not worthy of a blog cracka'?!?!

Anonymous said...

Well written article.